Thursday, January 09, 2014

2014 Resolution

 Almost everyone has resolution when a new year has came, but not everyone can really achieve them (that's me). Even though I didn't complete my resolution in the past few years, still,  I set goals every year and hope that someday I will get serious about it and complete it.

So, here's my resolutions in 2014~

1. Cultivate a better eating habit and diet

I eat a lot of junk food... That's why I keep putting on weight... This is not a good thing to happen. So, this year I hope to change my eating habits and get healthier, also to lose some weight.

2.Read at least 20 books

I used to read a lot during my high school. However, this habit flew away when I began my university life. During high school, I did not have computer to play with, so I spent most of my time on reading and sleeping ^^ But I then stayed outstation to pursue my studies; without my parents supervising on my daily routine, I indulged myself into the world of internet - watching drama and socializing... Since I now back at home, I am determined to search back the joy of reading. 

3. Count my blessing and stop nagging

I am just an ordinary girl, with ordinary life and ordinary face. Life is always hard to live on, but does not mean that happiness is hard to catch. Happiness does not need miracle, it can be as simple as a warm greeting when u wake up, a thank you after helping someone, a card from a long time no see friend... appreciate everything happened in my life as they help me to grow into a better person. As a young girl, I should also equip myself with confidence, passion, a contented heart and a great smile. Unfortunates, diseases, scourges... happens everyday but the world does not stop for them. So, why should I get annoyed,interrupted and affected when it is just something small bother me.

Above are my resolution in 2014, I don't set much goals as I know that too much expectations leads to more disappointment. Lastly, I hope that everyone have a great year in 2014~ Happy New Year~

P/S: If you happen to stop by at my blog, feel free to share your resolutions and opinion. I appreciate you spending time in my blog~ Thank you~ ^^

Monday, April 22, 2013

Miss Flower Song from Standing Egg

Not sure if anyone still remember the "Miss Flower Music Tour Contest" organized by BuzzKorea about 1 month ago, it is still in my mind!( I participated, but didn't win...)

The song is now released!!!

It's called miss flower, which recorded in their new mini album "Ambler". It is a very cheerful song, the beats are simple yet cute, it really makes me feel the spring~ (We don't have four seasons here...) The melody is very easy to memorize and for sing-a-long.Plus, the singing are so soft, is like listening to a fairy tale~ I love this song so much~ Never get bored~ 

Hope everyone enjoy this song too~ 

*Standing Egg is an indie mixed band which debuted in 2010, consisting of clover (vocalist), hana (djembe) and hankyul (double bass)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hello Kitty Malaysia Is Finally Here Today!

A Super Good News to all Hello Kitty Fans!!
I believe a lot of you girls and guys searching around
where to grab for Hello Kitty products in Malaysia for a really
long time…
And today…
Finally… Hello Kitty Malaysia is here..!
They are selling for Hello Kitty products and tickets for<br />
Sanrio Hello Kitty Town Malaysia through online!
Currently they’re having Hello Kitty Lucky Draw, and you can
have have a chance to win for “Samsung Galaxy Y Hello Kitty Edition”
(Value: RM399 each).
If you don’t believe me check it out for yourself here,
while it’s still available:
This special Hello Kitty Lucky Draw is valid for a limited time
only, which it may be taken off completely. Stop reading this now,
and go to the Hello Kitty Malaysia website and get a chance to
win now:
<p>If you’re reading this blog post too late, then you may have missed it.
Don’t leave a comment to complain because there’s nothing I can do.
I DID tell you it’s a limited offer~ <3
Join Lucky Draw Now

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Am CoMinG~ : The thiNGs I wanT tO Do In KOrea!

Trying my LUCK to be the LUCKY girl~

For the past 20 years, I lived in KL-the capital city of Malaysia.The furthest place i had gone to is Labuan...

I am a year two student now, having a peaceful life in Kampar.I wanted to travel or study in Korea so much, whenever my University offers study tour overseas (especially Korea), I am drooling. But because of some reasons, I can only watch the chance fly away form me with heart pain... In the deep of my heart, I wish to travel to Korea so much! Well, this event-Asian On Air Event by Buzz Korea offers me a chance.This is such a precious opportunity for me to make my dream come true! Now, it's time to show my love to Korea.

The first thing about Korea that come into my mind is...FOOD.I am a food lover.I often try out Korean
restaurants in Klang Valley. I love bibimbap,kimchi soup,kimbap,BBQ ... they are just so delicious. I want to try their snacks,sitting at their booth with Korean students,enjoying the hot food with falling leaves,cool breeze kissing my face. Maybe I can ask for the secret recipe of making these fantastic food~>0<

Of course, I love the culture as much as their food.Travelling to famous places such as historical places,museums,universities,
different states, shooting scene will definitely be a useful and interesting trip for me in gaining a deeper understanding about Korea.Everything is new to me. I want to try on Korea traditional costume-Hanbok, enjoy traditional arts and music, stay a night at the jimjibang-eat steamed eggs and drink rice wine in the sauna and salt room, attend music show,play at Lotte world,cycle at the park, walk around the universities...Indulge myself into Korean healthy lifestyle, culture and the beautiful scenery~ Maybe I can visit the music and dance academy owned by Big Bang's Maknae-SeungRi~ Or... Is there any opportunity to meet  the CEO of the entertainment company? XD 


SHOPPING! How could a female resist this temptation! Korea is well known with their cosmetics, fashion trends and technology! Myong-Dong, Dong Dae Mun,Chang-anp'yon Antique Market...It could be the heaven of shopping for every women! ^^ The things are in good quality and price are reasonable. Walking along the street,shopping around for beautiful clothes,shoes,bargaining for cheaper price... Erm, this is a must when one is travelling overseas~ Besides,the product and packaging of Korean cosmetics are so attractive that my whole family is using their products. Of course, the quality and result are outstanding as well. 

There are so many things I yen to do in Korea! I know it may be nothing to others, but it is everything to me.It would be the most memorable and valuable experience for me as it would be the first time for me to travel overseas alone~ It could also be my first and last trip before the end of the world >0<

P/S: This event is organized and sponsored by 


Thursday, June 14, 2012

遇见未知的自己- 张德芬


一本非常好看,又让人寻回自我的书籍----遇见未知的自己    By张德芬


感想:作者用一个故事,教会了我们,在这个繁荣,竞争连连,勾心斗角的社会里,看清楚别人,也看清楚自己,寻找会最原始的自己~ 很多东西,事情,我们是没办法从表面找寻到它的“真身”。在华丽的糖衣,人们总容易迷失自己,到头来却伤痕累累。不如,试着去听听自己心里的声音,探索自己内心所要的,真正渴望的吧!


Thursday, May 31, 2012







Saturday, May 19, 2012


“书是人类进步的阶梯” -高尔基
“读书越多,越感觉腹中空虚” -雪莱(英国诗人)
“倘能生存,我当然仍要学习” -鲁迅





